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Welcome to Central!
We worship God through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, proclaiming the loving presence of God in the world.
We joyfully participate in Jesus Christ's ministry of peace, compassion, and justice here in our community of Geneseo and beyond.
We seek to learn and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ, using our grace—gifts to support, encourage, and challenge one another.
Come worship with us and find a warm welcome in the name of our living Lord, Jesus Christ!

Central Presbyterian Church is an inclusive community of faith. We are all created in God’s image, and we are all the children of God.
As Jesus welcomed all people into his fellowship, especially those who had been disenfranchised, outcast, and marginalized, we welcome everyone into our church in celebration of their race, gender, orientation, identity, ability, and affiliation.
We all stand together as God’s people, sharing in love and faith.
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